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Preparing your performance presentation.

For performance presentations, students will submit a video.


Please refer to the Thespys™ Program Guide for a comprehensive list of rules.

Group or Duet Presentations

Students who qualified with a group or duet piece have three options for this year:

  1. Students can separately record their parts and edit into one video.
  2. Circumstances may change by the June 8 deadline. If state or national guidelines allow it, students can get together with their partner/group to record the video. Be smart, be safe, and follow the rules!
  3. If neither of the above is doable, students can choose to submit a solo musical or monologue. This exception is allowable for this year only.

Video Audition Tips

  • Consider your frame (how much of your body you want to be seen). At a minimum, make sure to show inches above your head to your belly button.
  • If performing a song, make sure you have a solid track to use for your accompaniment.
    • Pay an accompanist to record a track for you and send you an .mp3 file. Try reaching out to your local university's music or theatre department as a start.
    • Find a karaoke track online. Make sure there are no vocals on the track.
  • Consider where you're placing your "scene partner." You do not need to look straight into the camera.
  • You may use one straight back chair and one small table in your video; additional set pieces are not allowed.

Filming Your Audition

  • Find an effective filming location
    • Area should be quiet so we can hear both you and your track (if applicable).
    • Film in front of a non-distracting background. If possible, choose a solid-color wall or consider hanging a sheet behind you. The color should contrast with your clothing.
    • Dress neatly, in all black clothing as written in the guidelines. No costumes.
    • Make sure you are lit enough to be clearly visible.
  • Reminders
    • Before filming, conduct a full-volume test to make sure you can be heard (and that your track can be heard).
    • Ensure your blocking is effective and visible when filmed. Consider whether to decrease your movement or to adjust your camera angle.
    • Shoot your video horizontally, not vertically.
    • Try multiple takes and submit your strongest.

Submitting Your Video

  • Watch your video both before and after uploading to ensure it's what you want to share.
  • You will have two options for submitting your video.
    • Upload the video file directly into the submission form from your laptop or desktop.
    • Provide a URL to your video on YouTube.
      • The guide to using YouTube video editor is ​​​found here.
      • Give your video a clear name. Consider something like First Name Last Name Troupe Number – Thespy Submission.
      • Make sure the video is listed as private but check that the link will allow for open access to all adjudicators.

Preparing Your Technical Presentation

For technical presentations, students will upload portfolio samples and provide written responses.


Please refer to the Thespys™ Program Guide for a comprehensive list of rules.

Presenting Your Online Portfolio

You will be asked to share your portfolio as you would for an in-person presentation. Please upload the material asked for in the submission form in accordance with the program guidelines. 

  • Each of your samples should be clear and quality -- good production or process photos, or easily readable documents.
  • Uploads should be well-photographed or clearly readable. Though you will be able to expand in the written response, the sample should be able to speak for itself to a certain extent.

Answering the Response Question

These open response questions will take the place of the in-person interview.

  • Think about what you would say or prepare for your in-person presentation and do your best to recreate that in this virtual setting.
  • Answer each question fully and clearly. Re-read your responses before submitting.
    • This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the job/role and an opportunity for you to explain your work/process.
    • Remember: your responses to these questions account for a significant portion of your final score.

How are the Thespy Award Winners selected?

Students submit virtual performances or presentations in their categories and are scored by a panel of adjudicators. The students or groups achieving the highest scores in each category will be honored as Thespy Award Winners. More specifically:

  • Winners are selected on their overall scores, which represent the average of all adjudicated scores. Average scores of .5 or higher are rounded up to the nearest whole number—so a 16.5 would become a 17.
  • Students must achieve a Superior score to become a Thespy Award Winner. If no qualifiers earn a Superior score in a given category, there will be no Thespy Award Winner in that category.
  • If more than one student or group earns a perfect score or the highest score in one category, all will win a Thespy Award. Example: Suppose the highest whole number score in the Monologue category this year is 19/20. If that score were achieved by one student, there would be one Thespy winner. If four students achieved that score, there would be four Thespy winners.
  • Currently, there is no cap or quota on the number of award winners.